Dates, Challenges, and Quilt Shows

There are several dates to keep in mind this weekend and next week.

The Winter Fabric Challenge featuring Madrona Road by Violet Craft ends Thursday, January 31st because projects that are posted to the MQG Madrona Road Challenge Flickr Pool will be considered for the Michael Miller booth at QuiltCon.  Hey, we might not be able to attend, but how cool would that be to have one of our projects chosen?  Additionally, Violet will also select, from that same Flickr pool, someone to receive a care package.

For OUR guild though, your project has to be completed by the March meeting - Saturday, March 9th.  Something quilted.  You can use as many solids as you like, but any additional prints have to be Madrona Road.  Locally, The Sewing Center Around the Block has the "boy" colorway.  

This is Kelly's WIP.  And this is Kim's.  (And this is where their pictures are supposed to be, but that's a skill/lesson I have to figure out another day.)   Anybody else?  Pictures?  Upload them to our Flickr Pool.

The other major date is the entry deadline for quilt submissions for the 2013 Emerald Coast Quilt Retreat & Show.

That date is Saturday, Feb 9th.  Also the date of our next meeting and SEW-day.  Gina Curtis, ECMQG member and Flying Needles QG member, challenged all of us to submit at least one quilt as the modern quilting aesthetic has not been well represented.  Forms and information can be found here.  As a guild, we are submitting the Children in Crisis charity quilt.  

What gem do you have sitting at home that could be entered?  Think about it.  Then take the plunge.  Let 2013 be the year you step outside of your comfort zone.    


Hello There

Wow!  Has it really been almost 3 months since our last post?  Well, there's a ton of information to relay, so over the next week or two, in small short posts,  I'll do just that.  Welcome 2013.  Let's be creative.  Let's be modern.  Let's quilt. 

Our meeting times and days have changed.  First Baptist Church in Crestview is where everything happens now - meeting, sew-and-tell, technique and skill building demonstrations, socializing, and SEW-day are combined. Our next meeting is Saturday, February 9, 2013 beginning at 10:00am.  We have the space until 6:00pm.  Come for all of it, or, come for part of it.  Your choice.    You know you'll have fun.  Thank you to both Lynn's Sewing Center and Martelli's for hosting either our meetings or our SEW-day(s) previously. 

Our technique and skill building demonstration is paper piecing with that cute little LOVE tutorial from ECMQG founding member Kelly Bowser of kelbysews.  Our resident paper piecing guru, Kira, has agreed to give us the lesson.  You can find Kelly's tutorial here from her guest spot over at Sew, Mama, Sew! last year.  If you're planning on attending the meeting, PRINT your letters and bring them with you.  And of course, don't forget your scraps, background, batting, backing, etc. too.



The End of an Era

 Hello Modern Quilters! Thank you for visiting our blog. Sadly, ECMQG is no longer meeting on a regular basis. Feel free to browse the blog,...