The Emerald Coast Modern Quilt Guild started off the year with a great meeting in January!
The ever busy sign-in table at ECMQG |
Our new President, Loree, began the meeting promptly at 10:00 a.m. by clanking the bell.
Old Business:
- We received a card of
thanks from Arc Gateway. $490 was made
from our donated quilt.
- A food sign-up sheet
has been created for each month.
- Sign up for Show and
Tell at the beginning of each meeting and specify Modern or Traditional.
- The Flying Needles
Quilt Show is coming in February. Entries
are due by the end of January. We will display our Kona Challenge Quilts and
possibly do a demonstration.
- BRING your completed Kona Challenge Mini to the February meeting.
- Cindy provided another
recap of our online auction which was deemed a success. Financial summary to be
presented at the next meeting. Discussion of what sold, how to market items, and
how to streamline shipping ensued.
- Linda presented a brief
treasury report.
New Business:
ZIPPY POUCH SWAP - At the February meeting we will have a blind mini zippy pouch swap. Zippies must be modern quilt shop quality fabric, no
specific theme, no larger than 6” x 9” any style – BE CREATIVE, and may
contain Valentine treats of no more than $5.
Triangle zippy pouches |
box zippy pouch |
If members would make 2 zippies we
can use the second zippy as an inventory builder for our next online auction. Please bring your zipper pouch(s) in a brown paper bag.
Program ideas were
discussed as follows: ¼ inch
seams---Cindy; Quilting on a Domestic Machine---Wendi; Binding Workshop—Wendi; Labels—Loree
shows us how to make different labels; Help!
How do I make this work?;
Individual problems that we will have a workshop to work on with a
partner; Blenders—What are they? Natalie; Pillows and pillow covers; social
media skill building; finish strip piecing projects started last year.
Outreach with Girl
Scouts was discussed.
Fabric Swaps for the
upcoming year were discussed.
Our Program:
Natalie presented a
Review of Modern Quilting. She used the national
The Modern Quilt Guild for the review and explained that there were many other resources within the website. The ECMQG Modern Quilt Guild Continuum was also posted on the
back wall as we reviewed.The main principles of
Modern Quilting according to the definition by The Modern Quilt Guild were discussed and visual examples were provided.
Every Which Way blocks |
Laraine using the design wall |
Block Lottery: Laraine gave us a review
of the Which Way Block and how it fit our Modern Continuum. We had an opportunity to come up and play
around with how it could be arranged. We
discussed how a modern arrangement would work. Block lottery rules were discussed and can be found under the tab Block
Lottery on the blog. Block lottery is both a skill builder and fund raiser. The
group voted to eliminate the rule that “you must show a completed project before
you can win” for the next 6 months. Jane won the block lottery.
Mary was in charge of the February block
lottery, “Bits of Friendship.”
Mary shows this month's block with lots of scrap bits to share |
Scraps from her modern group, Muskoka, were shared.
A tutorial is available on the blog. Her idea came from a book by Amanda Jean
Door prizes: Bonnie and Camille Orange Peel.
Jane shows off her door prize win while in the background Lisa is taking advantage of scrap sharing. |
Announcements: Chautauqua Quilt Show at DeFuniak and St. Andrew’s Bay Quilt Show in Panama City were both discussed as coming in Feb. 16th and 17th.
Show and Tell:
Laraine shared her Hidden Gems quilt from a paper pieced block lottery.
Natalie shared her Biggest Bag
The biggest bag ever holds
Natalie's rigid heddle loom |
Cindy shared her Pillow Cover for Natalie from the Anniversary Scrap Swap.
Cindy had a scrappy pillow cover to add to the online auction inventory and an Adore La Red, White, and Blue
quilt top.

Lisa shared her pink
and purple quilt that was a gift (picture on phone) for Christmas. She also shared a paper piecing project and
her Flamingo Pink Block Lottery finish with the star pieces in the middle.
Maureen shared her
Pearl Bracelets baby quilt and a Sampler she showed that she had redone from
years ago.
Mary shared her
Grandson’s quilt that he made using flannel (picture on her phone).
Wendi is working on the
Quilt Con charity quilt |
Lisa is making perfect
point pinwheels |
We enjoyed our potluck
lunch and Sit and Sew.
Many people donated fabric and sewing talents to make the hospice quilt come together. Thank you to Wendi, Lisa, Loree, Maureen, Bobbi, Laraine, Mary, Marcia, Natalie, and Linda.
Maureen sewing blocks
for the hospice quilt |
ECMQG hospice quilt stage 1 - quilt top complete! |
Loree and Natalie power sewed the hospice quilt top together with help from all the ECMQG sewists.