November Meeting

Our November meeting is tomorrow, November 18 at 2 pm, which is a change from our normal date and time. But as usual, we'll be meeting at The Sewing Center Around the Block in Fort Walton Beach.

There will be lots of door prizes, so you definitely don't want to miss it! It will also be our scrap swap (details here), so make sure to bring a sandwich bag filled with scraps if you want to participate!

In the meantime, you should check out the blog of our very own Kelly B - she's got a giveaway going on, a new pattern in her etsy shop, plus a free pattern! Check it out, and hope to see you tomorrow!

Modern vs. Traditional Quilting - What's the Difference?

Since starting the ECMQG, I've been asked several times, "Modern? What do you mean by modern?" And I find that when I'm put on the spot like that, it's hard to really answer that question.

One of the main things to keep in mind about our guild is that it doesn't necessarily matter if you're a modern quilter. What matters is the mindset of the quilter.

Can you appreciate what another person (who might have a different aesthetic or style than you) brings to the table?

If so, then you are more than welcome to be a part of our guild - even if you are a traditional quilter! There's room for all of us!

That said, being a Modern Quilt Guild, we will tend to highlight and focus on quilts that are modern in style, fabrics, and colors. That's what sets us apart. But that doesn't mean we don't appreciate traditional quilts or techniques.

I was just browsing around Flickr, and happened upon an interesting discussion. In that discussion, someone posted a link to a slide show that Cara from the St. Louis MQG put together, and I think it's very helpful in defining what is modern vs. traditional.

If you're interested in seeing this slide show, go here!

October Meeting

Unfortunately, there are no pictures from this past meeting, but here's a summary of what we talked about...

**The November and December meetings are different than our usual meeting time. We're meeting on Friday, November 18 at 2 pm, and then Friday, December 16 at 2 pm.**

Submissions for the Modern Quilt Guild Showcase for the 2012 Fall Market and Festival will be accepted January 6 - March 2, 2012. Details can be found here.

The Flying Needles Quilt Show is taking place March 1-3. Submissions are accepted until January 12, 2012. More details here.

We announced our first swap! It's a scrap swap. This means that for our November meeting, if you'd like to participate in the swap, bring in a sandwich bag filled with scraps. We'll exchange those scraps and bring the finished products to the December meeting and exchange them back to the original owner of the scraps. The main thing to keep in mind about this swap, is to keep the items made out of the scraps SMALL! The holidays are a busy time, and we don't want anyone to feel like they have too much on their plate. So some ideas are coasters, mug rugs, potholders, coffee sleeves, mini quilt, etc. The only other rule is that after you receive your scraps, and you talk with your partner about what they'd like to receive, you may add one fabric (as much as needed) to the scraps. This additional fabric must be in keeping with the theme or the tone of the scraps you're working with.

(If you're unfamiliar with mug rugs, here's a post explaining them)

And that's basically it! I unfortunately had to leave the meeting early, so I missed out on Show and Tell, but I heard it was great.

Once again, if you have questions about anything, or want to be added to the email list, leave a comment here, or email

Hope to see you later this month!

The End of an Era

 Hello Modern Quilters! Thank you for visiting our blog. Sadly, ECMQG is no longer meeting on a regular basis. Feel free to browse the blog,...