Our June 13th meeting, at the WFPL Main Library in downtown Pensacola was called to order by VP Natalie at 10:35 with 28 members and two guests.

After asking for a moment of silence for members who were facing difficult situations, we began the day with a our little birthday tradition - singing and a FQ fabric lollipop!. We were unable to celebrate June birthdays as they were absent, but we were more than happy to sing and celebrate two belated birthdays (May) for Deb R and Eliana.
Next on the agenda was the lottery drawing for the wonky ROYGBIV log cabin blocks.
18 colorful blocks were created and submitted.
Wendi was the lucky winner!!
Elaine and Susan presented the block of choice for July which is the Blooming Star Block.
Click here for the color inspiration, tutorial links, pictures, and sewing tips.
Next we moved to easily our favorite activity - fabric swap! Where else can you bring in one yard of fabric, and leave with eight different fabric pieces? The Tula Pink F8 swap was a resounding success. Many thanks to Cricket and Nona for sorting and organizing all of these pretties!
The group effort for this years Fisher House Charity
Quilt yielded 16 completed Dutchman's Puzzle blocks. Open sewing time was devoted to sewing additional blocks as the completed quilt needs to be presented in August.
Our first Quilt of Valor is complete for 2015 and it is stunning! (Currently, it is displayed at A&E Fabrics) We began collecting the x + blocks for this quilt last August and with the combined efforts of many guild members - Kim, Bobbi, Whitney, Kira, Jennifer, Cindy, Becky, Donna, Kira, Kassie, & Rachel - more than 30 blocks were contributed. Natalie pieced the back; Kira quilted and bound it. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
We have a small collection of blocks for future QOV quilts, but definitely need more. Current in-the-works projects are an Origami Star quilt, a Reverse Rainbow Starburst quilt, and a Hearts quilt. Please contact Cindy for specifics.
Marcy provided an update on our retreat, which will be September 11 & 12, at the church. There is no regular meeting in September. The plan, as it stands now, is for several full day classes, as well as several half day classes. There are also plans for free demonstrations, door prizes, open sewing time, etc. Discounts will be available for members for classes and the open sewing time, and class sizes will be limited. More details to follow. Please contact Marcy with ALL offers of help!
Natalie will be teaching us how to make this fabulous bag at our Retreat in September |
Subject to change, classes currently scheduled are: clam shell with Gina, improv with Cindy and Diane, free motion quilting with Wendi, pixelated quilts with Kira, a purse/bag with Natalie, scrap lab with Marcy, paper piecing with Susan, and beginning quilting with Jean.
Door prizes were won by eight lucky ECMQG'rs! How can you go wrong with F8 bundles, charm packs, books, and these quilt themed note cards?
and Tell
Ten members presented quilts and other
creations for show and tell. Completed block lottery quilt tops were
presented by Cricket and Natalie. Several other quilts were gifts for
family, friends, and grand babies.
1. The St. Simon's Craft Fair will be held November 6-7, 2015. Kristy Shaffer has procured two booth spaces for ECMQG use at a cost of $320. This fee was paid, in advance by the guild. A percentage of individual sales, as well as items donated and sold, will reimburse this fee. The space will be decorated with a modern aesthetic. Gina will be giving a demo on gift ideas for members to make for sale/donation
at the July meeting. A volunteer list will be made available at the
October meeting.
2. The July 11th meeting will be held at the First Presbyterian Church, 1800 E John Sims Parkway, Niceville, Florida because of a previously scheduled church event.
3. Early details for the Chautauqua Quilters Guild Quilt Show - Quilting with the Stars - February 12-13, 2016 in DeFuniak Springs, Florida were presented. We are the guest guild! This is not a judged show. The theme is stars. If you have a quilt you are considering for display, it must have a sleeve on the back. Natalie has volunteered to help those who need a sleeve on their quilt. This is a great chance for the guild to learn about hosting quilt shows without stress.
4. The MQG Riley Blake Challenge is due July 31, 2015. Our "show and tell" for this challenge will be at the July meeting.
Our program, "Social Media and the Modern Quilter," was presented by Wendi. Subjects covered were: Flickr, Pinterest, Instagram (IG), the MQG website, Facebook, and the ECMQG blog. For those who were still confused at the conclusion of the program, Wendi assured them that help was available!
Our program, "Social Media and the Modern Quilter," was presented by Wendi. Subjects covered were: Flickr, Pinterest, Instagram (IG), the MQG website, Facebook, and the ECMQG blog. For those who were still confused at the conclusion of the program, Wendi assured them that help was available! She and Natalie are available to help with questions at the end of the meeting. There will be a detailed presentation on each of the social media mentioned on the ECMQG blog.
Thanks to everyone who helps. We can't do it without a little bit from everyone.