It's Time to Renew Your ECMQG Membership!

It's time to renew your membership in the Emerald Coast Modern Quilt Guild!  Our national dues are due in January, and since December is a PARTY, it's time to renew.  Dues paid now will be good through 2016.

If you wish to renew online, complete this Google form, then go to PayPal and pay your dues.  Dues are still only $25 which includes all the benefits of the local guild (meetings, events, programs, swaps, block lottery, friendship), PLUS all the benefits of the national guild (fabric challenges, free patterns of the month, webinars, QuiltCon, etc.)

1 comment:

The End of an Era

 Hello Modern Quilters! Thank you for visiting our blog. Sadly, ECMQG is no longer meeting on a regular basis. Feel free to browse the blog,...