January/February Meeting
Where to start? We had a beach retreat in place of our meeting and it was amazing!

Our accommodations were beautiful!

Beautiful or what?
There was a lot of sewing going on:
Here are some items that were completed at the retreat:
A sew together bag that Loree completed
A VERY large beach bag
From squares, to strips to a quilt top that is gorgeous all done at the retreat! Amazing work Maureen!!
Some Carrot bags that will hold some goodies one day:
I know for me, I had some things sitting on my sewing table for quite awhile (like everyone right? lol) and this was a perfect time to get them done. We all laughed so much, ate too much, shared and helped each other.
We had a time for show and tell:
Our newest member has made some amazing pieces which are shown below:
These ladies have been very busy! Wouldn't you agree?
Look how far the Round Robin's have come:
Impressive work!
We also had some game time. First we played Left, Right, Center (I was too excited to play and forgot to take pics lol) and the next night we played Quilt Bingo. So fun and we all behaved. Mostly....lol
We had to bring a small item for each card we wanted and then if we won, we got to pick from the prizes we brought. What a great idea!
Natalie is amazing and made special bags for those who showed up early:
How sweet was that?
We had our February meeting at the retreat so there will be no meeting at the church. Here is the March block lottery:
It is called Staggered Stripes block and can be found on the Modern Quilt Guild and is by Yolanda Whitehead
We even had a class with the mini quick curve ruler:
It was an amazing weekend ladies! I haven't had that much fun in a long time. We really packed a lot into a four day weekend.
The coffee was good and the friendships are even better.
I know I for one can not wait to do it again!
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