Swap Update

Hi again!  Wendi Mihalik here with the ECMQG Swap announcement for December.  We want to make sure there is always something FUN going on in the guild.  (Of course, it's up to you whether you play along or not.)  

For December, we're having a Handmade Christmas Ornament Swap.  Everyone who wants to play will bring one handmade Christmas ornament to the Christmas party/social on December 13, and take home a fabulous handmade ornament made by another guild member.  No other rules, just handmade by you.  And no partners this time....  We will simply exchange amongst those who bring an ornament.  This promises to be lots of fun, and I'm sure that we will see (and covet) some a-may-zing ornaments made by guild members!

And, looking ahead...

 In January, we will have the big reveal  in the MQG Riley Blake Challenge

And for February, be thinking of sharing the LOVE!

ECMQG Swaps are open to all guild members in good standing.

Have fun!


  1. Oh, now I am very curious - can't wait to see what you have planned next!

  2. I need to change that dumb name. Throwback to being a Soldiers' Angel.


The End of an Era

 Hello Modern Quilters! Thank you for visiting our blog. Sadly, ECMQG is no longer meeting on a regular basis. Feel free to browse the blog,...