The regular meeting of Emerald Coast Modern Quilt Guild was held on Saturday, October 8, 2016 at Crestview First Baptist Church. Natalie called the meeting to order at 10:15 and asked for a moment of silence to send a positive thought to those affected by Hurricane Matthew or who might have other needs.
Natalie discussed nominations for the Executive Board for 2017. Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting on November 12. At that time Natalie will also present a budget for the next year and present the official President's Report as required by the by-laws. Natalie noted that she may not be present at the November meeting but should that be the case she would arrange a video or Skype call into the meeting.
Requirements for the positions on the Executive Board are in the by-laws. Individuals who are nominated to serve must have been members for one year, understand and adhere to MQG's purpose, and may not currently be serving on the board of another local quilt guild. The time commitment of members of the Executive Board were discussed. Cindy noted that she and Natalie had met together to work on the audit for 8-1/2 hours since the last meeting, plus the time spent reviewing minutes, posting the block lottery information to the blog, and other duties. She reminded those present that now that we are a 501(c)3 organization, we are a business, which requires more accountability.
There was a discussion of the responsibilities of officers and committee members. Natalie noted that a description of duties is on the blog. Members were encouraged to step up and serve on the board and in committee positions. Without an Executive Board, the guild must dissolve. There was a brief discussion of what dissolving the guild would entail. Roxie said she would accept a nomination as Secretary on the Executive Board. Several other members agreed to serve on committees.
Laraine gave the treasurer's report using the new Aplos software. She noted that bank statements were reconciled from March 2016, and our records are in agreement with the bank. We did spend slightly more than we took in last meeting. Expenses were comprised of the anniversary cake, door prizes, the cost of the accounting software, and copies. We expect to have the general ledger complete by the November meeting and will send members a copy of the treasurer's report via email. There was a discussion of anticipated expenses for the coming year, including the necessity of providing D&O insurance as a safeguard for the members of the board. The anticipated cost of D&O insurance is approximately $700 per year.
Cindy noted that before we can purchase D&O insurance, we must put several new provisions in the by-laws, including a non-harassment policy. As per the by-laws, we must give members 2-weeks' notice of changes in the by-laws. We will do that via email, prior to the November meeting, and expect to vote on the new provisions in November.
There was a brief discussion of ways for the guild to reduce expenses. Natalie encouraged members to bring those ideas to her after the meeting.
In light of the anticipated expenses for 2017, income from dues at the current rate is insufficient. We must either plan fund-raising activities or increase dues. There was a brief discussion of the hard work and minimal financial success for the guild of previous fund-raising efforts at Saint Simon's and Chautauqua (although some members were successful individually.) The members present were generally opposed to fund-raising; however, they expressed support of and willingness to accept an increase in dues. The benefits of membership were discussed.
Loree was the only member celebrating a birthday in October. She received her birthday lollipop and a song.
Charity Efforts:
- The QuiltCon 2017 quilt must be finished and in the mail by November 30. The palette was designated by MQG. The challenge is scale. Our design is a square-in-square geometric design. Cindy will put together the quilt top. Marcia agreed to quilt it. Wendi agreed to bind it.
- Our 4th quarter charity project is lined drawstring bags for Ronald McDonald House. The tutorial can be found on Jeni Baker's blog, In Color Order. Bags are due at the November meeting. Cindy and any members who wish to accompany her will deliver the bags the first week of December. Any fabrics are suitable for this project - they do not need to be modern.
- We have tried to sell the Quiltcon Quilt from 2015 with no success. As a result, Cindy has been looking for a local charity with a large audience which would like to auction the quilt in support of their efforts. She has a friend who knows local TV personality Sue Straughn and has agreed to present the quilt at the ARC Gateway Gala and silent auction in December at Skopelo's at New World Landing. Members expressed support for this idea. ARC Gateway is an organization with supporters that are perhaps unfamiliar with ECMQG and this effort should broaden our reach into the community.
- Susan reported that the Fisher House quilt is finished and has been presented to them for their fund-raiser in November. Susan put a value on the quilt of $1000.
- The 2017 QuiltCon quilt will also go to a charity in our community. Cindy suggested Sacred Heart Foundation, where the funds will be used for Children's Hospital. The members were in favor of donating the quilt for Sacred Heart Foundation's Mall Ball silent auction; however, there may be a conflict in terms of the time of the event vs. the display at QuiltCon.
- Emerald Coast Hospice has requested that we create their 2016 Remembrance quilt again this year. They were so pleased with the quilt we provided in 2015 that they asked us to again create a bright, colorful quilt for their event. The event will be at the end of March or early part of April 2017. They are planning to host two events in different locations to expand the number of family members and others who can participate in this event.
- Susan requested help from guild members for the 2017 EOD memorial quilt, which will need to be finished by May. Because of the timing, construction of this quilt may overlap the hospice quilt. Members agreed that they are willing to support both charities.
- Next year's Fisher House quilt will be needed in October.

Laraine reminded members that our next fabric swap will be a Fat Eighth Swap of Allison Glass fabrics. All of her fabrics are included except low volume and text fabrics. Each member may swap up to 3 yards of fabric in 1-yard increments. Each yard should be cut according to
the instructions in the blog post of March 8, 2016, individually folded and placed in a zip lock bag with the member's name on it. Bring it to the November meeting and our swap committee will work their magic. Cindy requested that members post pictures of their fabrics to the blog to reduce the chance of duplicates, and recommended that members check online sources for sales on AG fabrics.
Natalie announced that she has reserved both the large room and the small room for our November meeting. We will meet in the small room and our chair sale will be held in the large room. No sales will be allowed during the meeting. For a $10 entry fee, each member will receive 4-feet of table space and a folding chair. Members may sell anything they wish as long as it is craft-related - scrapbooking supplies, yarn, puff paint, beads, rubber stamps, etc. Members may sign up and pay today, or pay online via PayPal after completing a Google form.
Laraine and Cindy presented finished quilt tops made with last month's Adore-la blocks, and thus are eligible for this month's block lottery.
Seventeen Transparent Play blocks were submitted for the October Block Lottery. Our guest presenter, Laraine, awarded blocks to two winners: Bobbi and Laraine each won Transparent Play blocks.
Jill was our guest presenter for the November block lottery block. The block is Foldstar by Ula Lenz and is a paper pieced block. The block is available in three sizes - 6", 9" and 12". Participants should submit blocks unfinished at 12-1/2". The three sizes give us a chance to play with scale, which is a marker on the Modern Quilt Continuum.
The background is beige, ivory, cream or low volume fabric. The palette is that of falling leaves.
Jill presented several other stunning examples of paper pieced items, noting that paper piecing can be combined with other techniques for a stunning finished piece.
Amy will be our guest presenter in November for the January block.
There was a discussion about whether members wanted a December block lottery. The consensus was no; however, the block suggested was thought to be perfect for the February block lottery. Wendi will present this block in January.
December will be our annual Christmas Party and handmade ornament swap.
Although we were out of time during the meeting, Natalie suggested that members stay and do the planned fabric scrap sort in small groups. Several members brought fabric scraps to sort. Sorting fabric scraps will help train the eye to categorize fabrics and more easily recognize modern fabrics.
The Modern Quilt Continuum banner was up on the wall. Natalie encouraged members to take a moment to think about where they are now, compared to where they were when we last did this activity in March. She also noted that social and political commentary is a new category of modern quilting. Modern quilting continues to evolve.
Several members shared show and tell items.
Members enjoyed a great Southern lunch. Afterwards, several members stayed for Sew Day and a preliminary layout of the 2017 QuiltCon quilt.
Respectfully submitted,