The first fabric swap of the year is happening and it's a good one - text and typography fabrics!
Laraine, your 2016 Swap Hostess, ran a quick survey on Facebook where it was neck and neck between Moda Grunge and text-y prints. Text prints won.
For our newbies who might not have participated in fabric swapping, let us help you with some FAQs.
What is a fat eighth?
A fat eighth is half of a fat quarter. There are two measurements that can be cut. We use the 11" x 18" cut.
How many yards of fabric can I swap?
Three. Each yard must be different.
Why can't I swap three yards of the same fabric?
Because variety is the spice of life. Your fellow swappers want variety.
What kind of fabric is allowed?
Please use quilt shop quality fabric. It feels better. It's more tightly woven. The inks and dyes used in the manufacturing process are higher quality. Please, DO NOT SWAP fabric purchased from big box retailers.
How do I participate?
Use the comments section on this post to sign-up. Or, send us an Email to emeraldcoastmqg @ gmail dot com telling us.
Where do I post my fabric pictures?
There is an album in our CLOSED Facebook group. You have to select Photos, Album, F8 Fabric Swap March 2016, Add Photos.
I'm not on Facebook. How do I post pictures?
Send us an Email to emeraldcoastmqg @ gmail dot com.
I want to participate, but will miss the meeting. What do I do?
Send your fabric with a friend. Or, mail it to ECMQG at our PO Box. If you want it mailed back, include a postage paid flat rate padded envelope along with your fabric.
We will do our best not to give you duplicate fabrics, however, it MAY happen, it COULD happen, it HAS happened.
Sending us pictures, and/or uploading to the album, helps avoid this situation.
Your fabric sorters thank you in advance!
Also, your fabric sorters would like each yard of fabric packaged individually. If you're swapping two yards, you need two bags of fabric; three yards need three bags.
This is going to be a fun swap! Super excited :-) I especially like the variety of colors I see.